Pre-cleaning Equipment P250R | P350R

Product description:

This is a Pre-Cleaning equipment which sorts by size using two sieves, taking out the coarsest and the finest (different from seed grading). This makes the material to enter the Plant processing with less impurity content.

Entrance is performed through a device which vacuums the grain cascade formed inside, taking out the earth and light particles and sending them to a built-on cyclone separator.

The processed material is delivered in three outlet nozzles, where the first two correspond to each one of the sieve planes and the third one to the blind plate (bottom), where rejected goods or fine rejections leave. The higher plane is the one which takes out the thickest and the intermediate one lets the grains leave out in better cleaning conditions.

The grain sieves are self-cleaning by impact with rubber balls.

Its structure is mainly built in rectangular tubes of 4,75mm wall in SAE1010 steel and coated with folded steel plate. All shafts are built in alloy steel and thermally treated.

The vibrating system is mounted over epoxy fiberglass plates, free from maintenance.

Every movement is produced by three-phase electric motors.  External finishing is performed with industrial synthetic paint in all its parts.