Product description:
This sorter by difference in weight is the material conclusion in response to a permanent search to improve the user experience of all our line of machines. Thus, the development has been directed to solve a simple and common operating problem: how to regulate the parameters while the equipment is under operation.
The G5200 Densimetric equipment meets this goal by using electronics as a tool to control and the electromechanical systems to drive the mobile parts.
Fitted with five ventilation turbines coupled to a single shaft, we can electronically regulate the flow process in each stage of the table by adjusting the opening or the closure of the air intakes through servomotors. Apart from that, we have the possibility not only to select ten predetermined positions but also to save them in memory for a future use.
However, the rotation speed of the turbines can be adjusted to perform a much more precise and efficient regulation of the air flow.
Likewise, the longitudinal and transverse tilt can be adjusted through servomotors by selecting the convenient option as well as the ten predetermined positions with the possibility to save them in memory for a later use.
This makes the equipment versatile and predictable: on the one side, each important parameter of use can be measurable and, on the other side, maintenance is simple since we can monitor the recommended number of operating hours of the machine for the next Technical Service.
All of this can be grouped in the control PLC and a simple but robust interface through an LCD Display easily operated with buttons made of long-lasting films. When the board is turned on to start working, first a diagnostic of all the systems has to be performed and, if ieverything is in good conditions, a program has to be chosen from the different ones previously charged for the different types of grains. When the equipment is operating, the parameters can be changed and saved so that the next time it operates in the optimal working option.
In our search for efficiency, we want electronics to be a tool and not an issue. Therefore, in the case of failure in any components, the operation can be cancelled and passed to emergency mood to continue working until the problem is solved.
Av. Carranza y Libertad s/n°, X5903 Villa Nueva, Córdoba, Argentina. Tel.: +54 (0353) 4910055 | +54 (0353) 4914536